HaatSite FAQ

We have a contact page where you find our Email and Contact Number. You may call or email us.

Yes, it is necessary to have a account at HaatSite to place order.

Do not worry. Sometimes it may happens at the time of online transaction due to network issue or any kind of technical issue. If it happens, then please do not panic. Just make a call to us or email us. Haatsite team will happy to Help you. Either your order will be placed or your amount will be credited to your bank.

No. We never store or save any credit/debit card/Net Banking/UPI details in our server. Our all kind of online payment facilities are OTP based. We never ask you to give OTP. Please never share any OTP with others.

Yes. Haatsite does not store any kind of banking information like credit card/debit card/upi/net banking details. For online payment, Haatsite redirect to the third party secure payment gateway. Any kind of transactions are OTP based and the OTP has to provide in the system by yourself.

Haatsite never ask you about OTP. Never share your OTP with others


Click on My Order in your Haatsite account to track your order.

Click on My Order in your Haatsite account to details of your all orders.

Within 24 hours from order placed. Haatsite make a phone call to customer and make a confirmation about the order. Without this step, order will not confirm.

5 to 10 working days from the day of order shipped. It depends upon delivery channel.

Haatsite makes a confirmation phone call to customers after receive the order request. If the phone call can not be established then the order will be halted for 10 days and will retry to take confirmation within this period. After that the order will be cancelled.

Sipping charges are based on delivery channel, location and product margin.

Haatsite have to pay a COD or Online Payment Gateway charge to delivery channel and Haatsite never charges this from customers. So if the margin of the product is less than the COD charge, then it is not possible to apply COD service for that product.

  • Haatsite have to pay a COD charges to delivery channel. If you pay online then Haatsite deduct this COD charge from shipping charge.
  • It may reduce shipping charge if more than one products are ordered in a single order.